Poker Crush Forums

Poker Guru Lessons (archive) - Guru's CONTEST #3:WHY? - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

PokerGuru - 13.04.2007, 01:09
Post subject: Guru's CONTEST #3:WHY? - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
For CONTEST #3, simply make a post here explaining why you took the POKER TEST and emailed it to the Guru OR why you did not.

Deadline: As soon as possible, please.

Prizes: Undecided. Be brave and take a chance!

Your Guru

valeria - 13.04.2007, 01:35
Post subject:
Ok the reason I did NOT take the test is I just really wasn't able to get to study the lesson in time. When I did have the time it was gone because the deadline had passed. Sad That was the only reason.. Lack of time. Too much was going on around my house during those few days with Easter Holidays and such.

Catch the next one promise! Well ok... I will TRY and catch the next one LOL
spookth - 13.04.2007, 01:39
Post subject:
I have several reasons for taking the test.
1) I want to see how far along I've come in my poker lessons.
2) The more a person concentrates on a subject, the better he retains the lesson.( Learn and retain...remember)
3) If the Guru takes the time to prepare a test, I can at least take the time to submit my answers.
char1984 - 13.04.2007, 02:46
Post subject:
The reason I didnt take the test is about the same reason as val and when I went back to study it it was gone Embarassed Embarassed
Bower50 - 13.04.2007, 02:50
Post subject:
I was seeing if Guru could teach an old dog new tricks.Also wanted to check out if my memory is still intact.I believe the answer is yes on both counts.
Thanks Guru,the exam was quite a learning experience and an experience at learning.
Sisters - 13.04.2007, 04:48
Post subject:

Poker Guru I took the test and sent it to you...

I appreciate the time you took to make the test so its the least I can do and also I wanted to see how much I know or dont know... Rolling Eyes

Actually I'm rather curious to see how I did...I will be honest some questions I just didnt know the answers to Embarassed


sisters Smile
beckie33 - 13.04.2007, 06:16
Post subject:
I did not take the test because I did not have time :-(

I did however learn from your lessons!!
allight - 13.04.2007, 17:00
Post subject:
Planned on doing the test, but never found the time between playing with the kids and working. Knew I would need a half hour or so after reading the questions, cause I would've needed to study some. Love reading the lessons, though, and have learned and altered my play because of them. Keep up the great work, Guru!
royalblush - 13.04.2007, 20:55
Post subject:
I did take and submit the test because I wanted to see if I still "had it" as a student. LMAO I won't know til we learn our grades.

Of course it had nothing to do with me not being able to walk away from a challenge! ROFLMAO

kaska321 - 14.04.2007, 02:57
Post subject: Answer
I think you already know the answer... I did not take a test, as others little time to learn . I tryed , but failed... waititng for another chance :-)
PokerGuru - 14.04.2007, 14:15
Post subject:
Kaska, love, you DO know there will be another chance, don't you?

I will repost the lesson today.

Your Guru

cindy7186 - 14.04.2007, 17:09
Post subject:
im sorry guru but the reason i did not take the test is because i did not know about until just now.ive been so busy lately working double shifts at work and trying to get my house ready to be sold (along with my son getting strep throat 6 times in the past 2 months and getting his tonsils taken out) i have had barely any time to be on the im sorry i didnt take the test,i hope you can forgive me lol!!!
mojojds - 15.04.2007, 03:18
Post subject: test
Wanted to take test but had to get a new puter and cant seem to keep the viruses away. Thats why I have not been here to much lately..

This new computer sucks... it's seems so so so slow even with more memory and bigger processor.

and it must be Horny (like the owner lol ) bcuz I cant seem to keep them darn Trojans (ummm top of line condoms apparently lol well.. thats what I Heard lmfao ) from giving me all them stupid viruses.

And thats the whole truth and nothing but the truth on why I didnt take the test.

I will prob still take it ... just to see how I do for the fun of it..

Good Thinking at the tables everyone!!
PokerGuru - 15.04.2007, 07:39
Post subject:
All reasons given by EVERYONE completely acceptable and completely understood!!!

To my PCers having troubles: God bless your hearts and lives and my heart is with you all!!!!!


Your Guru

Lori212 - 29.04.2007, 04:06
Post subject: test
i didn't take the test i didn't have the time to sit and answwer questions busy lately.

i'm sorry sooo sorry

bad girl!!!
sunspun - 03.05.2007, 04:22
Post subject:
Poker test?
What poker test?
Well, I guess that tells u my answer then... didnt take it, didnt know it was there.

Guess I've been away longer than I meant to be.

Hope I'm back now!

ALW01 - 04.05.2007, 04:49
Post subject:
Hi My Poker Guru,

I took the test, it took me all day, and all night, as a result of the hard work I put into finishing your test, I slept soundly that night.
Then when I woke up the next morning, my dog had deleted it!

I am very sorry I didn't take your fine test sir , I really wish I had.
Normality is just beginning to return after being absent for far to long,

Your loyal member and friend

PokerGuru - 06.05.2007, 05:20
Post subject:
LOL! Dear ALW,

Correct the spelling/typo in your signature and you are forgiven! ROFLMBO!

Your Guru

PokerGuru - 06.05.2007, 05:30
Post subject:
Winners of Contest #3: WHY?

The winners (and I hope EVERYBODY takes the test THIS month) are:

1000 PC points .......................beckie33
1000 ........................sisters
1000 ........................allight
1000 ........................cindy7186
1000 ........................mojojds
1000 ........................Lori212

CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you will need those points to cash in a cash prize real soon!

Your PokerGuru

ALW01 - 06.05.2007, 09:08
Post subject:
Thank You Poker Guru,

Though it took about 10 min's to find it
spookth - 06.05.2007, 09:10
Post subject:
WTG winners...good job!!!!
ALW01 - 06.05.2007, 09:15
Post subject:
Well done beckie33, sisters, allight, cindy7186, mojojds, Lori212,
kaska321 - 06.05.2007, 14:16
Post subject: WTG
Congratulations :
WTG !!
Bower50 - 06.05.2007, 16:11
Post subject:
WTG to all winners!!! Thumbup
allight - 06.05.2007, 17:06
Post subject:
congrats winners and thanks guru...pc points are much needed!
cindy7186 - 06.05.2007, 18:48
Post subject:
thanks for the points guru!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wyciswyg - 23.06.2007, 00:58
Post subject:
when,s the next one please
PokerGuru - 23.06.2007, 15:33
Post subject:
Hi wyciswyg!

Thanks for being such a great participant here at Poker-Crush! I have noticed that you have been doing lots of reading of the things that went on before you got here....and that is very impressive to me.....shows you are really with us!

If you mean when is the next contest, I just now posted it today!

If you meant when is the next test, they are rare so I don't know, to be honest. This first one will be repeated very soon because so many missed it. (I gave them no study time.) I can evaluate the progress of all my PARTICIPATING members without needing tests. But they are good now and then, just for the sake of building your self-confidence!

If you meant when is the next formal lesson, I am now working on two of them: "Online-Only Poker As a Pro" and "Counting Cards in Blackjack".

My friend, I am working on speeding myself up, but I have always been an easygoing, slow-moving type of guy and it's hard to change one's basic nature. To make up for it, I do attempt to offer my very best and I attempt to get to know and to treat each member as the individual with individual traits each has. Everybody has their own best way of learning and I believe a good Guru owes it to each member to find what is best for each.

Hope this answered your question, and if it didn't, just give me another whistle.

Glad to be

Your Guru

wyciswyg - 23.06.2007, 22:36
Post subject:
ty PokerGuru -may the poker force be with you lol
PokerGuru - 24.06.2007, 04:04
Post subject:
And with you, Keith! aka wyciswyg!

I'm sure you know by now that a good education in the traits and waits and tricks and ways of the game is what gives the force its power!

Your PokerGuru

wyciswyg - 24.06.2007, 06:02
Post subject:
Thanks for everything your the BEST
PokerGuru - 03.07.2007, 20:21
Post subject:
That's quite a compliment, Wy (may I call you Wy?).

I will do my darndest to live up to it!! And when I slip and fall, I'm sure you and many of my other cherished followers will stop and pick me up and dust me off and help me back on my feet again.

What more could I possibly want in today's rampant world?

Thank you!

Your truly devoted Guru

allight - 03.07.2007, 20:53
Post subject:
wow, thanks guru, and congrats to all the other winners!!!
ALW01 - 04.07.2007, 01:12
Post subject:
Loverrrrrly Jubbillllly
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